"I can't thank Chelsea enough for helping me kick-start a new stage in my practice."

Paulo A. Results: When Paulo reached out to me, he felt that he was just 'OK' at painting, and was searching for his inner voice. After a year in the program, Paulo learned what it was he wanted to convey, and has a body of work to show for it.

"I just sold the very first painting I made in this program!"

John F.
Results: After only two weeks in the program, John sold his first painting that he made in the program, and closed two more sales within another month.

Jerry's Art-a-rama Self Portrait Grand Prize winner

Leeahd G.
Results: Leeahd made his first painting sales within a month of starting the Alla Prima Bootcamp, and went on to win the Jerry's Art-a-rama Self Portrait Competition Grand Prize!

"I just got a painting back from the gallery and I've already sold it."

Paul B.
Results: Paul took the leap and begin selling paintings over social media once he joined the Bootcamp. Now he's officially a full time artist! Congratulations, Paul!

Got clear on his vision so he could paint what's in his heart

Joshua C.
Feedback: "Other painting mentorships got me good at simplifying and copying the teachers' paintings. Chelsea got me to figure out my own vision and start painting what's in my heart. I am so glad I took the leap to work with her."

"I can't believe the difference I have seen already."

Bobby J
Results: Within just one week of being in the program, Bobby created this original painting inspired by Richard Schmid based on the very first homework assignment in the curriculum. I don’t know about you, but I think the Richard Schmid influence is coming through stunningly!
The Alla Prima Bootcamp Mission
The Alla Prima Bootcamp's mission is to help artists with unrealized potential to find their voices and become master oil painters. If you are passionate about art, have fantastic taste, and want to make work that lives up to that taste, we're here to help you chart the roadmap to becoming the artist you were meant to be.

What Is the Alla Prima Bootcamp?

The Alla Prima Bootcamp is Chelsea Lang's signature program for artists looking to reach their potential. It includes an intensive online curriculum complete with lectures and painting demos, weekly live consulting Q&A calls with Chelsea, and an exclusive community of supportive artists working side-by-side to help you find your style, master your tools, and become the artist you were meant to be.

The goal of the program is to provide you with everything you need to master expressive oil painting by using a comprehensive, step-by-step system to identify how you want to paint, chart a roadmap to being able to paint in that technique, and build a body of work that you're proud of.
Who is it for?
This program is for oil painters interested in realism who are ready to see professional-level quality in their work. 

If you're a painter who is serious about making work you dream of, this program is for you.
When does it start?
You start as soon as you enroll and will have immediate and lifetime access to our online curriculum, live calls, and private community. And you can rest assured you’ll never feel alone in your journey, as you have immediate lifetime access to the program, when you enroll.  
What does it include?
The Bootcamp takes you through the start-to-finish process of getting clear about what exactly your goal style looks like, laying out the roadmap to achieving that style, giving you the exercises you need to progress through your roadmap step by step, and build a body of work in that style.

Curriculum Overview:

Phase 1:

In the Foundations phase, we'll get clear on exactly what kind of work you're most excited to make, and assemble a plan to get there. We'll also focus on removing the roadblocks that are keeping you from a consistent, productive and enjoyable painting practice, and helping you to identify your goal for your art. This covers everything from mindset to studio setup and supplies, and then transitions into identifying your influences as a painter and charting your roadmap to your goals.

Phase 2:

In the Brush Miles phase, use your personal roadmap to identify the individual building blocks you'll need in order to paint in your desired style. We cover everything from how to compose the types of paintings you're drawn to, to how to improve skills in drawing, value, color and edges in order to master your tools and your personal approach to painting.

Phase 3:

In the Mastery phase, you'll use the skills you developed in the brush miles phase to develop a body of work in your goal style. From there we discuss how to continue to use the program to sell your work, enter juried shows, approach galleries, and continue to evolve as a painter.

Student Paintings

What Students are Saying

From chalky, flat paintings to a gallery-ready body of work

See Mary's full artist showcase and interview after completing the program and hear her respond to artists' FAQs about finding your own style and mastering it!
Mary Casey | Expressive Portrait Painter

The program he needed to launch his career as a full-time artist

Hear Joshua's experience with how the Alla Prima Bootcamp helped him to commit to his career as a full-time artist.
Joshua Catalanotto | Portrait and Wildlife Artist

Exactly the course he needed

Down to each module and each call with me, this program was tailor-made to what an artist like Jerry needed to break through his plateau and start seeing consistent progress with his paintings.
Jerry Zimmerman | Narrative Figure Painter
An Atelier In Your Home
The biggest issue I see with art education, whether it’s a weekend workshop or a full atelier program, is that they are based around the instructor, and you go there to learn to paint like them. 

Not to mention, the average 1-2 week workshop costs around $2,000, the average semester's tuition at an atelier is around $5,000, and the average semester's tuition at an art school can be anywhere from $25,000 to $50,000. And that's just for one session. Most of us will need ongoing support and feedback to reach our goals.

Becoming the painter you want to be isn’t about what you can do in a week, or even a semester. It’s about spending time dedicated to understanding exactly what your goal is, and understanding exactly what kind of deliberate practice will get you there.

The Alla Prima Bootcamp isn't about learning to paint like me (although if you want to, I'm an open book), or about us working together for a certain amount of time -- it's about getting you the results you've been after. 

The Bootcamp is meant to replace years at an atelier, or a Masters of Fine Arts, but without the expense, burnout, and working on exercises that don't ultimately help you to achieve your goals.

Students that are accepted into the program work with me until their goals have been achieved, with no ongoing tuition or fees.

So what are your biggest painting goals?

Frequently Asked Questions

How does it work?

The Alla Prima Bootcamp is a long-term mentorship program that is designed to give you the structure and support that you need to build a body of work in the painting style you dream of.

It includes exercises that are designed to get you clear on your voice and goal for your paintings, give you a library of exercises to build the skills necessary to paint in your goal style, and walk you through how to build a body of work in your unique voice after your skills have been built.

How do I apply?

Because the Bootcamp is a long-term mentorship, program admissions are by application only, and I meet with each and every student to make sure we're a great fit to work together. 

Can I work with you for just a few sessions?

When I work with a painter, my number one priority is making sure that you reach our goals. As a result, I only offer mentorship through the Alla Prima Bootcamp, which is a long-term program. I do not offer a la carte coaching calls or private instruction.

What if I want business coaching?

The Alla Prima Bootcamp is designed to help you find your voice and build a body of work, which is a necessary pre-requisite for building a business with your art.

If you are already working in your goal style and are primarily seeking help growing your art business, I’d recommend The Abundant Artist. They’re the program that helped me take my business full-time, and specialize in sales and marketing.

What if I'm an abstract painter?

Most realistic art features some degree of abstraction, which can be a key component of finding your style. However, the Bootcamp is best for students interested in some degree of realism in their work. If you work intuitively or are not primarily focused on realistic painting, the Bootcamp is probably not the right program for you.

Is it only for oil painters?

I do have some painters in the course working in media other than oil. However, because all of my painting demos are in oil and this is where my expertise lies, the Bootcamp is going to be best for students who are already working in oil or would like to begin working in oil. 

How much in the program investment?

We have several payment options for students who are accepted into the program, but the program tuition is comparable to a what you'd spend to attend a week-long workshop or quarter at an atelier, making it ideal for artists who are serious about reaching their biggest painting goals.
Who has this worked for?

Debra B.

"You have created something that I have not seen available in the art world for students anywhere else."

I have to tell you that this class has been amazing for me already. The amount of work and thought that you have put into this class is so evident, and I feel so fortunate to have landed here with you. I really feel like this class is exactly what I needed, at exactly the right time. 

This class/group is so unique, you have created something that I have not seen available in the art world for students anywhere else. Your background in psychology is evident, and for me this has been a critical component that most art instructors can not provide to their students. 

Mary C.

"The Alla Prima Bootcamp has changed the trajectory of my painting career!"

"The Alla Prima Bootcamp has changed the trajectory of my painting career. I was at a certain point in my painting ability, and knew I wanted to be better, but I didn’t know how, and I didn’t know where I wanted to go exactly. 

"There are so many classes, so many good artists to be inspired by, so much information overload online, it was daunting to figure out what to do. Your class and community on Discord has been instrumental in my growth. 

"Thank you for helping me develop and narrow down a voice, or style, but also helping guide me with your expertise on specific techniques and ways to accomplish what I would like to do. The journey continues, but I love the road! The Discord community is good for my soul, too!

"You have such a great way to see and help with all our individual needs!!! I have been a teacher for many years and so appreciate that ability in you!"

Kat D.

"I could no longer afford circling backwards if I wanted a career as a professional artist. It was time to invest. "

No matter your passion, continuous growth takes dedication, desire and discipline. I thought I had those nailed, but the lack of focus kept me in a whirlwind. I could no longer afford circling backwards if I wanted a career as a professional artist. It was time to invest. 

Chelsea’s “Alla Prima Bootcamp” course proved to be the ticket – a course that provides clarity, direction and support in building an efficient route for growth. For me, that means being an explorative artist – learning how to conquer one challenge so that I can face the next. 

The group discusses inspiration, techniques, materials, efficient working studios, marketing, challenges, discoveries and opportunities. Sometimes we share simple encouragement to just get going.

To top it off, I gained a trusting LIFE-TIME network of artistic friends from around the world who help each other become more than painters – artists. If you value effective constructive criticism in a safe environment, join the “Lang Gang”! See you all next week!

Leeahd G.

"Having someone to help me find my voice and move towards that style has taken my painting to another level!"

"Chelsea’s Alla Prima Bootcamp program has been fantastic — it’s taken the fundamentals of drawing and painting that I already had, pointed out where my blind spots were, and showed me how to prioritize my artistic direction so that I could confidently leave my day job behind. 

"Having consistent support and feedback has been so beneficial. There are tons of videos and instructors out there to help you learn to paint, but having someone to help me find your my and move towards that style has taken my painting to another level."

Kristina K.

"It's one of the most supportive art courses I can imagine."

Studying with Chelsea Lang is a true delight. She is exceptionally knowledgable, but far more importantly her communication skills are outstanding. Her course is as much about the keys to painting as it is about becoming an artist. In all the art courses I took in college no one actually discussed how to be an artist. She starts with basics like setting up your studio and obtaining supplies designed for professional work. She introduces how one might go about developing their personal style and goes on to discuss how one might develop the life skills imperative for lifelong learning and artistic success. You’ll likely feel like you are in a graduate course in how to be an artist and how to develop and expand upon the artistic toolbox vital to your success.  

It's one of the most supportive art courses I can imagine. I started the course confident about the skills I used to have, but almost unable to use a brush due to a stroke. Despite my challenges Chelsea consistently supported me, not just with kind words, but with workarounds, practical information, and continued confidence I could succeed. She is a fabulous artist, but she is also a profoundly gifted educator. In short, if you are 20 beginning a life time career, or 70 and hoping to launch a second career, she will share the skills necessary for success, and create a climate of rich support among those in the class.

Angela C.

"I am so grateful for your wonderful Alla Prima Bootcamp!"

I am so grateful for your wonderful Alla Prima Bootcamp! I feel very fortunate to be among such a wonderfully generous and talented community of artists. You have a real knack for sharing your expertise in oil portraiture … and much more… and I’ve learned so much from you over the past few months. 

My studio practice is more efficient and my professional goals are clearer as a result. The lectures and demos you have composed are tremendously helpful as I can refer to them at any time and I find I learn something new each time I rewatch them. I look forward to continuing our artist’s journey together!

C.J. H.
"If you are wanting to take a giant leap forward I highly recommend this course -- you will be glad you did!"

Prior to signing up I'd not painted for two years and was struggling with how best to develop skills in a way that felt organized. Now I've a plan, enjoy painting, learning and connecting with others from all over the world. This is a highly sophisticated program where you progress at a pace best for you. 

So if you are wanting to take a giant leap forward I highly recommend this course -- you will be glad you did!"

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